I Just had to place the ly on Positive above ... sorry.
Here's the reason for the negativity: some neanderthal, with his posse, tried to steal the nicest BMX bike we had in the store today. Fortunately for us, he never dreamed that Mike would catch him so easily. As we experience more negative stuff at the shop, it seems to solicit more negative stories related to people stealing, or attempting to steal bikes. So, why is that? Why is it that scum bags like the person in our store today, feel that they have a right to take somebodies bike?
Here is my true life story - I got my first real job at a bank in Boston. I had just gotten married and was still in school, so we were extremely conscious of spending on wasteful things, like cars. Anyhow, I bought a cheap 10-speed and commuted to work each day. I chained the bike to a pole. Within two weeks, it was gone. Ever the optimist, I went back and got another, at a cost of roughly one weeks net pay. The new bike lasted about three weeks, because the (not so sympathetic) Boston police advised me to leave it parked at a different spot each day. Anyhow, I bought a third ... it was gone in about two weeks and I was back on the subway.
I'd be willing to bet that, at the very least, we all know of or have had a bike stolen. We hear it almost every day. If it's not the whole bike, it's the saddle or a wheel or whichever part can be taken.
I doubt that the thieves are going to read this blog, but if you are, cut that shit out!
Arrowhead 135 2023
2 years ago
See Mike, the Craft skivies do make you faster! And, are those red Karhu's he's sportin on the trail?
Kids these days?!?
What is Doom in charge of this blog? Update fellas!
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