Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Cross Country Ski Season

Just think, if we lived in Syracuse, NY we'd be up to our armpits in snow! Not only that, less than 100 miles from the site of the World Series, there's a foot of snow on the ground!

Pretty soon! Better hurry and get geared up.

Team Night is now Team Day ... Saturday November 15, 2008. Wax Clinics, Rossignol and Atomic Representatives and special deals. Don't miss it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Patriotic - Ride A Bike!

I'm always going on about how important it is to ride a bike. Well, guess what, this poster was sent to me by none other than W him self! How do ya like them apples?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Save A Varmint

I was just looking at the International Bicycling Fund's web site, the link is: fifty plus reasons to ride a bike. Towards the bottom is an interesting topic to think about. To wit, if we all rode and stopped driving, there would be no more killing of innocent varmints, defined as an objectionable animal or person. Just think, each of us could have a deer and a possum and a squirrel and a skunk (my personal favorite) and a garter snake ... the list just goes on ...

Anyhow, just one of the many reasons to ride. Get rid of that car!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Stimulate the economy, buy a new bike! It's patriotic. How about one like this?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Get Out and Ride!

It'll make you feel better. Why, I'd be willing to bet, that if everyone in the USofA rode their bikes today, that the whole financial crisis would be solved - it's just that simple, or is it?