Golly, I forgot that you're supposed to blog every day ... sorry. Anyhow, I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that nobody reads this blog anyhow. Just in case though, here is an update on what has been happening, from the Revolution perspective, in the local bicycling scene since my last post.
Most importantly, the people of greater St. Cloud have begun to find the shop. As has been the case for some time, these are savvy shoppers with an eye for a bargain. We have really been encouraged however, by the number of bike buyers that have gone to all of the other shops in town and then come back to ours to make their purchase. We can't say this enough, thanks to all of our clients that have recommended us to friends ... we really appreciate very much.
Next, is an interesting phenomena that has occurred since the beginning of July. That is, when gasoline was at $4.00 per gallon, we were as busy as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. Now that gas has dropped back to $3.50, sales have slowed a bit. My guess is, that reliance on the automobile is so much a part of the American psyche, that a fall from July's gas price levels is considered a positive and has granted "permission" to drivers to get back in the car. Nationally though, bike sales are up and the prospect for a continuation is relatively high. Let's hope that bike sales are, in fact, counter-cyclical.
Speaking of bike sales, I wonder just how far Trek had to go to get Lance back on his bike. I would never criticise lance Armstrong for anything. In my mind, the man is a genuine hero. What he has done, on and off the bike, e.g., raising cancer awareness, sets a paradigm for all of us to aspire to. Not only that, but his success at the Tour is the single most important element in the popularity of road cycling in this country. It is my fervent hope therefore, that Lance does not end up like many retired athletes when they grasp at a come-back.
Anyhow, back to the shop. Winter will soon be upon us and that means that it is almost Cross Country skiing season. I really wish that we'd get some big rain between now and the freeze. We need water in the ground to create snow conditions in the atmosphere. More snow means more sales but ... let's face it though, everybody has fun in the snow!
Let it snow!
Arrowhead 135 2023
2 years ago